Liability Disclaimer. Although the authors and publishers of try to make the information contained on this website as accurate as possible, they disclaim any liability for accident, loss, injury, or any other damage that may be sustained by anyone using the information presented on this website.
Those who use the information presented on this site, do so at their own risk. You are solely responsible for using your judgment in interpreting and using this information to safely enjoy your own outdoor pursuits.
The information contained on this website is not to be considered a guide. Instead, it is made available so that anyone reading it may have a general idea of what to expect on the hikes listed on this site.
We take no responsibility nor assume liability for inaccuracies, errors, omissions, or incompleteness of any information. Please note that the included GPS tracks are also provided only as general guides, and you should not rely on their accuracy, as GPS readings are subject to error and may provide inaccurate directions., its owner, its advertisers, and/or anyone contributing information to this site shall not be held liable for any inconvenience, accidents, rescues, injuries or loss of life should you undertake any of the hikes listed on this website.