On this page, you will find a collection of tips, tutorials, and recommendations related to Hiking and photography.
This page will be continuously updated with new posts and more up-to-date information when it becomes available. If I discover a new guide or new products are released, I’ll do my best to update all the related information in this section as soon as possible. So check back for updates.
In the meantime, scroll down for some advice on topics related to Hiking and photography on the trail.
Landscape Photography for Hikers
How to Get into Landscape Photography for Hikers If there's one thing I've learned as a hiking photographer, is that hikers know all the best spots for landscape photography! Yes, even more than photographers. I believe that
Cloudy and Overcast Day Photography
Cloudy and Overcast Day Photography We can probably all agree a cloudy and overcast day isn't exactly the greatest source of inspiration to go out on the trail for landscape photography. Especially if perhaps you're on a
Blue Car Rental Discount Iceland
Blue Car Rental Discount Iceland Great news for all of The Photo Hikes readers who are planning a trip to Iceland; as affiliate partners of Blue Care rental, we are happy to offer all of our readers a 5%
Planning a trip to the Lofoten
Planning a trip to the Lofoten, Norway If you are planning a trip to the Lofoten and are looking for tips, here you'll find the best advice I can give you on planning a road trip, the best
Luminar Neo AI Photo Editor Review
Luminar Neo AI Photo Editor Review If you are not familiar with it yet, Luminar Neo AI is the new AI-based photo editor from Skylum, one of the leading photo editing companies; in this post, I'll review their
Iceland Photography Tips
Iceland Photography Tips If you are heading or planning a Photography Trip to Iceland, here are some essential tips that will help you get the most out of your stay. Iceland is known for its stunning natural landscapes and