Hike to Fløya and Djevelporten, Svolvær, Lofoten, Norway

The Hike to Fløya (590 m.a.s.l) and Djevelporten is a moderately challenging but rewarding hike with fantastic views and a fun day on the trails. Djeveleporten in particular, which means the Devil’s Gate, is a rather unique attraction – a rock solidly wedged between two cliffs. Still, the views from Fløya are worth the hike by themselves too. Definitely a must-see.

Boulder wedged between two cliffs at Djevelporten

The iconic wedged boulder of Djevelporten

Panoramic view of mountain and lakes in a green scenery from the Hike to Floya in the Lofoten

One of the many beautiful views on the Hike to Fløya

Located in Svolvær and the Vågan municipality on Lofoten’s Austvågøya Island, this is a high-traffic area due to travelers arriving by ferry or driving along road E10 – or Kong Olav Road – to or from the southern Lofoten Islands.

So no surprise this is a very popular hiking trail and attraction. Personally, if there’s only one hike or activity you can do in Svolvær, I’d highly recommend this hike. You can do it in half a day, and then go to your next stop or activity.

Panoramic view of Svolvaer and the surrounding mountain form the flora hiking trail on the lofted

Panoramic view from the trail.


Table of Contents


How to Get to the Fløya and Djevelporten Trailhead

The trailhead to Fløya and Djevelporten is right outside the town of Svolvær and very easy to reach by car – or by foot if you arrive with the ferry but without a car.

There is a large parking area right by the trailhead (click here for directions on Google Maps). While driving there it will almost feel as you you are driving into someone’s driveway, but keep going, there’s a large parking area ahead.

Parking is paid, and you can pay using the EasyPark app.

If you arrived in Svolvaer with the Ferry, you can also walk from the Ferry Dock in less than 30 minutes.

The trailhead is also easily accessible if you are traveling through the Lofoten by Bus. The bus stop is Svolvær øst, served by bus line 300.

Djevelporten and Floy parking area and info board

The parking area at the trailhead.


Fløya and Djevelporten Hiking Trail

You can, of course, only hike to Fløya or Djevelporten but combining the two doesn’t add much time compared to hiking only one trail, about 30 minutes and the extra views are worth it.

If you are planning to Hike to Djevelporten only, the out-and-back hike up should take less than an hour. From there, it’s another 20 minutes to get to Fløya.

Stone Stairs built by sherpas in a forest in Svolvaer

Djeveltrappa – or the Devils’ stair, actually built by Sherpas, pave the first part of the hike.

Hike Time

In total, the hike to both is a little over 4km (4.18 km) with an elevation gain of 620m, and the total hiking time it took me to visit both was 1:43 hours.

Hike Difficulty

Moderate. The hike isn’t too long, and the elevation gain isn’t excessive, but there are some moderately difficult passages on slippery bare rocks.

Here is the map of my hike to both. you can download the GPX file for free from this activity too, if you wish to do so:

Note though: you can’t hike to the very top of Fløya, that’s a small climbing effort. I’ll get into the details below.

Djeveltrappa – or the Devil’s Stairs

The trail starts with what they are now called the Djeveltrappa, or Devil’s Stairs. Construction began in 2019 and the stairs are kind of an attraction in themselves.

Built by Sherpas, the Djeveltrappa makes for an easy first part of the hike. Not only that, but I think they fit into the landscape nicely, they offer a few resting points as well as some fantastic views of the city and the surrounding landscape.

Stone stairs called Djeveltrappa part of the hike to Floya and Djevelporten on Lofoten Islands in Svolvaer

The Djelvetrappa fit nicely in the surrounding landscape.

After the first part of the hike, the middle section becomes a little more difficult. Here you have to navigate through bushes over slippery, flat boulders.

Nothing too difficult, but be careful if wet. The main problem here is the maze of trails and detours along the more difficult passages. It can be quite confusing to navigate this part, but all the trails will ultimately converge sooner or later.

Hiker on the side of a mountain on a sunny day going up a mountain in the Lofoten Islands

The middle section of the trail after the first part of the Djeveltrappa requires a bit of navigation on tricky terrain.

Anyway, you’ll find signs along the way and you have the option to visit either Fløya or Djevelporten first and then close the hike in a loop.

I visited Djevelporten first.

Getting to Djevelporten

After the middle section, there’s the last part of the stairs, which will bring you to Djevelporten. It’s worth stopping for a moment here to soak in the fantastic view of the Landscape around Svolvær.

There are also a few stone benches you can sit on to catch your breath or just enjoy the views a little longer.

Then, continue to Djevelporten which is now just a couple of minutes up the mountain.

Hiker looking at the landscape around Svolvaer from the hiking trail to Djelveporten.

The last bit of the trail to Djevelporten offers panoramic views of the landscape around Svolvaer.

As you walk up the last bit, you may stumble upon Djevelporten quite unexpectedly. It’s smaller than you may expect it to be. It really is a rather narrow crack in the mountain and I almost walked past it, when I suddenly realized “there it is!”.

It is amazing to see how that boulder is wedged in between the two walls of rock. You can walk down, but be careful as there is a cliff with no protection under the rock. Same if you decide to get on top of the wedged rock. You can scramble up the right-hand side of the cliff and on top of it.

Djevelporten on a could day

Djevelporten. You can scramble up the right-hand side to get on top of the boulder, but as you can see it’s quite steep and exposed.

From Djevelporten you can either go back the same way or continue to Fløya.


Hiking from Djevelporten to Fløya

If you want to get to Fløya, the trail continues up the side of the mountain, as a sort of ridge hike toward the summit of Fløya. The commenting trail takes about 20 minutes to hike and requires some minor scrambling here and there until you are just below Fløya’s summit.

Mountain and rocky landscape on a sunny day.

Floya is the summit in the middle. The connecting trail from Djevelporten is just below the ridge on the left.

Here things become a little tricky. The last three or four meters of altitude gain to get up to Fløya’s summit is a rather technical passage, more akin to climbing than scrambling. This section is also completely exposed, with big, point rocks.

For this reason, you should attempt it only if you have at least some minor climbing experience, and absolutely avoid it in wet/rainy conditions.

Those are the same conditions I met while there. I just got below the summit, but it was unsafe to climb on either side. Not many places for a good foothold and only narrow ledges.

Fløya's summet approach from the north

Approach from the northern side.

Fløya's summit trail from the south.

Approach from the southern side.

Fløya viewpoint, without climbing

The good news is that you can still experience the fantastic views around the summit without having to climb it. If you take the trail from Djevelporten, you first have the views to the north of Fløya’s summit, with the top of the mountain to your right.

misty panoramic viewof countains and the sea in northern norway

Panoramic view just north of Floya’s summit

From there you can hike to the opposite side and around the summit, toward Svolvær where the views open up to the east and the south.

So essentially you get the same views as from the top, but from two different viewpoints on either side of Fløya’s summit – and without the risks a climbing effort entails.

view from a cliff overlooking the sea

View to the East, just below the summit.

Panoramic view of the ocean and the mountains from the trail on a hike to Floya

View to the south of Floya’s summit

Then you can hike back down the side of the mountain and the trail will ultimately converge into the Djeveltrappa.


What About Svolværgeita?

I haven’t mentioned it yet, but there is another point of interest; Svolværgeita. The reason why I did not mention it, is because getting up to Svolværgeita requires climbing with proper gear, so it’s not a place you can hike to.

I thought I’d add this note just for completeness. You can still get close to it if you want to, and the detour from the trail is about 500m each way.

However, if you want to climb it, you should talk to and hire a local climbing guide.

view of Svolværgeita, a pointy mountain rock in the lofted



Fløya and Djevelporten – Photos and Photography Tips

If you made the effort to hike to Djevelporten to take the classic photos standing on the wedged boulder, good news; it isn’t particularly difficult to get up to the boulder – but keep in mind: it is very exposed with no sort of protection.

Getting there requires scrambling up the rock to your right, though you may have to queue up if you want to get that shot, especially in Summer.

Boulder wedged between two walls of rock in the Lofoten at Djevelporten

View through Djevelporten

While I took the photos of that boulder, I passed on the classic photo standing on the boulder. I’m more in on the hike because of the views that the area around Djevelporten offers.

I was surprised by how good the views are. Despite the presence of a relatively large town, the landscape is incredibly beautiful, with mountains, lakes, and dramatic cliffs all around.

Panoramic view of the lakes around Svolvaer on a cloudy day with some soft light peaking through the clouds.

Photo of Svolvaer and the surrounding landscape on a sunny day, taken on a hike to Floya and Djevelporten.

Mountain on the austvagoya island on the Lofoten Islands

Even with a medium telephoto lens, there are plenty of details to isolate in the landscape. I took all the photos with a 24-70mm lens which was plenty flexible for this location and never felt the need for wider or longer lenses.

I did this hike on a September morning and had great light hitting the coast from east/southeast the whole morning. That is when it wasn’t raining :)! Even then I enjoyed shooting in rainy/stormy conditions. To me, this is a perfect combination of weather elements and the conditions I have the most fun shooting in.

Dramatic view of mountains and clouds mixed with some soft light from the hiking trail to Djeveloporten

Photo of rain sweeping through mountains and above some lakes in Norway

Rain falling above a fjord

Dark clouds and rain above mountains and a fjord

That was to say: If you’re doing this for landscape photography, I’d recommend doing this in the morning, especially from late spring to early autumn.


Where to stay

Svolvær is a town of almost 5,000 souls, which makes it the biggest in the Lofoten. This means there are also plenty of accommodations to choose from, ranging from Rorbuer to Hotels and guesthouses or campsites.



On the other hand, if you prefer to stay closer to nature, there are plenty of spaces to choose from in the surroundings of Svolvær, within the limits of Allemannsretten.

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